SG13 paired with 980 TI reference

12 Jan 2011
I recently replaced my 780 with a 980ti (reference cooler) and I love the performance increase but to stop my card throttling I've had to use a custom fan curve which is pretty much goes like 50c 40% fan speed, 60c 50% fan speed...

Is anyone else out there using an air cooled 980ti in a SFF case? The noise isn't too bad when I'm gaming from the couch but it's pretty annoying when it's normally sitting on my desk :(.
Thanks guys I was pretty much was thinking the same. Are there any non reference 980 tis that work well in a case like the sg13? I've got the solid front version for aesthetics :(.

I was actually thinking of trading it for the acx version but looking at some reviews it's only a tad quieter.
Maybe see if you can get the mesh front (however I expect it would mean buying a whole new case). At least it can draw in more cool air. I've seen some people remove the reference cooler and use two bigger fans (as you've got the holes right next to the card on this case) but that may require some bodging. Maybe something simple like a new TIM will help?

Hah I did think about this for a short while but I'm planning to downsize my case later this year to the A4 SFX so this wouldn't be worth while.

I'm still interested in a quieter 980ti for SFF purposes but maybe pascal might help with that.
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