Shadow of Mordor...What Next?

30 Apr 2003
Collier Row, Essex
Didn't think I would but I really got into this and have been enjoying it immensely.
Bit of game play left in it but was wondering where to next with the same kind of play stay.

Witcher 2/3 ?
Assassins creed ?
Batman games ?

Not played any of the above so no idea who they stack up or play, any other suggestions?

dark souls, some of the best games i have ever played, not exactly like som but i loved som then played these and they beat it by miles, ds1 is about £4 at the min and dark souls 2 scholar of the first sin which has all the dlc and remastered is around £14 played over 100 hours on each and still keep going back
The witcher 3 certainly , wasn't a witcher II fan , felt to closed off and to clunky . They should be dropping patch 1.7 soon witch adds a raft of changes , updates and improvements . Really enjoying it . Don't touch ac Imo unless you want to stare at a constantly bouncing frameate and enjoy repetitiveness . Don't touch the latest batman untill it's been fixed unless again you want a poor experiance ... Quality game , poor optimisation
It's like a hybrid of Assassin's Creed and Batman, so if you're really into it then it might be worth checking those out. Arkham Asylum is a must play IMO, and Assassin's Creed II and Brotherhood are my favourites in that series.

Would always recommend The Witcher 3 over everything though. Top quality.
As above, witcher 3 is just amazing and beautiful. It takes a bit more commitment to get going, but by God it pays off.

Batman arkham asylum is excellent, although I didn't enjoy the bigger open worlds of the later games that much for some reason. Felt a bit aimless with the story. All great games, but if I was going to recommend one I would say witcher 3. Just put about 10hrs in before judging it.
dark souls, some of the best games i have ever played, not exactly like som but i loved som then played these and they beat it by miles, ds1 is about £4 at the min and dark souls 2 scholar of the first sin which has all the dlc and remastered is around £14 played over 100 hours on each and still keep going back

Terrible idea!

Once you play these, all other games feel bad and boring :D

My favourites
Only having put a couple of hours into it I would recommend Witcher 3 but perhaps to throw a curve ball you could enjoy Dying Light similar in the respect of bashing people with things :D
Assassins creed 1
Assassin's Creed II
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
Assassin's Creed: Revelations

The last 3 on that list are the best
Black Flag is amazing do not forget that.

If you are going to play Arkham, Play them in order so Asylum, City and then Knight. Origins is good in its own right now it has been fixed.
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Thanks guys, a nice list of games to dive into. Think it will be the first batman next, I did always like the look of that :)
Ooh, just remembered I got the latest Batman with the 980ti I bought last week so one less to buy :)
Terrible idea!

Once you play these, all other games feel bad and boring :D

My favourites
lmao im the same! no game ive played comes close now, the fighting in all games ive played is terrible compared to dark souls no skill involved and usually just button mashing eg: witcher 3 decent game but combat system for a 3 year old....
I played SoM straight after completing AC Black Flag, and have to say, I felt that SoM was basically an AC "wannabe". The combat was a bit better, but the exploring/climbing/free-running/story all felt sub-par and very repetitive, in fact so much so that I rushed through the second half of SoM just to complete it so I could move onto something more interesting!
Dark souls I, Dark souls II scholars of sin.

Great games if you like punching yourself in the face lol. Honestly challenging but rewarding.

Closest thing would probably be Batman or Assassins creed franchise. Not sure what the PC port is like but Black Flag is a fun AC game.
Black flag is a greate game on PC. I feel that the bad press 3 and 5 got people seem to assume its bad to.

Witcher 3 is awesome, I enjoyed Witcher 1 and Witcher 2 but never rated them as highly as some. The hype for the witcher 3 I thought was just hype but after playing it my god I love that game. Tried to go back to some old RPG and they just didnt feel as good.
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