Shadow Warrior (2013), does it get any better?

20 Mar 2004
Playing through Shadow Warrior at the moment, right now I'm at
the docks level.

I'm having a hard time finding reasons to keep playing, gameplay was fun at the beginning, but now it's just so repetitive with the same enemies, humors good, but the story isn't grabbing me.

Does it get better? I've got no.2 on my steam list to play, do I need to finish this game?
Playing through Shadow Warrior at the moment, right now I'm at
the docks level.

I'm having a hard time finding reasons to keep playing, gameplay was fun at the beginning, but now it's just so repetitive with the same enemies, humors good, but the story isn't grabbing me.

Does it get better? I've got no.2 on my steam list to play, do I need to finish this game?

I didn't quite follow the story very well myself but the humour alone was enough for me to keep going - I didn't get bored with the gameplay though - it does get a bit more challenging with 1 or 2 new enemies as you progress further and the levelling up and unlocking of new weapons abilities keep things interesting. Haven't played the second one so not sure what the link between the 2 is.
If you're finding it repetitive now it'll only get more so. I got quite bored toward the end and just wanted to get it completed asap.
If you're finding it repetitive now it'll only get more so. I got quite bored toward the end and just wanted to get it completed asap.

I agree with this as it's how I felt when I played. I played it until the end just because I had nothing better to play.

I was never really a fan of this type of linear shooter...the painkiller type with little in the way of narrative or character development. That being said I know they can be fun in small doses.
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