ShadowProtect Backup by Storagecraft

30 May 2004
Does anyone on here use this regularly?

We are looking into the possibility of using this as our backup solution and am just wondering if anyone uses it on a regular basis. If so, what has your experience of it?

We currently use Acronis but seem to have issue after issue of things not working and Acronis support from our experience is quite poor.
I use it do make an image of our server once an hour, which can then be transferred to another, dissimilar hardware, server.

I've only tested this once, and it worked.

Thanks for reminding me to test it again ;-)
We use a product called appassure which is very similar. Block based snapshots every xx /mins (anything as low as 5 mins) and it will auto export full image to a virtual standby host (esxi hyper v or VMware workstation)

Its superb set it and leave. Pm me if you want more details.
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