shady's back? back again?

26 Dec 2002
....shady's back, tell a friend? :p

no not slim shady, our very own shady - grand master of all home Seti/BOINC/Folding farmers

well I'm not sure if it's him or just someone messing around (or even a stray machine running off some residual charge somewhere :p) but I noticed a slight points droppage when I was doing the news so checked it out - linky

he was active on the forums just a few days ago so you never know :)
Welcome back Shady :)

Currently, points-wise, running a GPU client won't be much better than the Conroe core it's using (or wasting) to do the polling. Also the client currently can only support one GPU per machine (though they say this aspect is being concentrated on)

I think a simple Conroe machine with two slots but only one card is probably best for now, the rate things are generally developed by Stanford it will be some time before a 4-card system will be of use anyway I should imagine (plus the heat 4 GPUs would kick out would need quite some cooling solution).

There is of course the Kentsfield on the horizon aswell as the R600-cored ATI cards probably not far off - oh decisions decisions :o
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