Shambo, or just sham?

Just seen this, outragious. I wouldn't be at all surprised if in a few days/weeks that bull is found dead (and not because it's ridden with disease)
I wonder if the same outcome would have been reached if this beast was found to have TB on a normal run of the mill farm owned by Farmer Doug!
maybe all the other Sacred Cows in the herd, along with all the Hindus, will get TB because of this, Then we can just make a picture saying PWNED.

And of couse Farmer Doug wouldn't be allowed to keep his cows. I'm sure in one of the earlier BBC articles on this subject mentioned how many normal cows are slaughtered each year.
Well it would have to established that the cow alive is a substantial threat to the safety of humans and/or other animals in the area. If this isn't the case, then the government has no right to interfere.
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