share physical modems on virtual servers

24 May 2011
I need to share a physical modem on a MS 2012 HyperV across 3 virtual Windows 2008 R2 servers, is this possible
When you say modem I assume a cable modem not one that connects to the telephone jack and screeches?

A cable modem is relative straight forward, you could create a virtual router (something like pfsense) and bridge the cable modem Ethernet connection to your virtual router. Then set the router to route traffic to your other virtual machines.

If it s latter, then I presume it will need to dial numbers. This is little more complicated if each VM needs to dial different numbers? Maybe if it is a USB device you could pass its control directly to a virtual router, the router then could be setup to dial a particular number depending on the network that is requested?
When you say modem I assume a cable modem not one that connects to the telephone jack and screeches?

A cable modem is relative straight forward, you could create a virtual router (something like pfsense) and bridge the cable modem Ethernet connection to your virtual router. Then set the router to route traffic to your other virtual machines.

If it s latter, then I presume it will need to dial numbers. This is little more complicated if each VM needs to dial different numbers? Maybe if it is a USB device you could pass its control directly to a virtual router, the router then could be setup to dial a particular number depending on the network that is requested?

I mean a old style modem via serial port - its connects to a bank to trasmit BACS info .. dont ask me why still using this old technology .. but we have to.
I'd say your best bet would be to purchase a USB to serial convertor and then use USB passthrough on HyperV to give the VMs access to the device.

Giving shared access to a standard serial port on the host is more tricky; it can be done as me have a monitoring VM which sends out texts via a serial GSM device connected to the host, but it was a pig to setup.
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