Shared OneDrive Business folders

Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Retired Don
Hi guys,

Setting up a new O365 portal for my business (might move to it from GSuite) and I'm a little confused between the differences/benefits of using OneDrive for Business shared folders, or using Team folders.

Generally, online resources say to use Teams (Sharepoint) to setup a new team and add files within there, however I'm not overly familiar with that.

What I want to actually achieve:

We have a terminal server which people login to. I was proposing to install OneDrive under the logged in admin user on our data server to sync files from OneDrive to a shared folder on the data server, which will then be mapped as a drive for users on the TS.

Some staff also have laptops for extended offline work, so we were going to then install OneDrive to their laptops too.

Can OneDrive pull down shared folders to sync to local devices under different people's logins?

I also see there is the Sync button in SharePoint to sync a folder down to a local machine, but can this be set centrally so our staff don't need login to Sharepoint first and do this for each folder?

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