Sharepoint Online - Files not uploading?

20 Aug 2007

Hi guys, anyone know why I get this issue? It's very annoying cause I need to get these files uploaded! :(
Eurgh they really need to fix sharepoint to accept odd characters, I had to spend the best part of 5 hours changing all the ampersands in my MD's files to the word 'and' :( had no other way around it XD there were a LOT of ampersands! :c
If I remember rightly there is also a setting in central admin which deals with max file size as well as file types, for example a default install will not allow certain file types such as access database files.

Special characters will also do it. There is a way for checking special characters when uploading using a custom form you can use SharePoint designer and the following validation expression:


You can then use workflow to edit these on the fly before upload. It's been a while since I worked with SharePoint and after 7 years developing on it I must admit that I kinda miss it - Such a good and flexible platform.
I gave up using that stupid 100 files at a time uploaded btw :) I managed to get sharepoint open in explorer view and creating favourite links, so I can just open it from my desktop as a network folder, lets me upload using my full 8mb/s upstream speed :D
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