Sharing a WiFi Password - QR Code

26 Feb 2004
Hampshire, England.
Hi guys,

I've been away of the 'wifi password' sharing feature on Android for sometime, but I've never actually used it... I've got family around this weekend and they are bound to ask for it - so how does it work?

I'm fine at getting a qr code up on my devices but how do they 'receive it' their side? I'm expecting a mixture of Android/Apple users :D

Just open whatever camera app they have assuming it can read QR codes. It'll detect it's WiFi details and then asks if you want to add them in.

For Android at least if it doesn't, you can use something like Google Lens to read the QR code.
Yep, works on iPhone or Android, just open the native camera app on their phone, point it at the QR code on your screen and a pop-up on their device will ask if you want to connect to the wifi network, just tap on it and allow.

If it's jsut for internet usage then you could see if your router has a guest network option, you could set this up with an easy password just for the period they are over, then disable it once they have all left
I do it with my WiFi. Just a couple of QR codes dotted around the house so anyone can scan and connect without asking for the WiFi password.

You can decode these QR codes though and the password becomes plane text so only use them if you not bothered about anyone having the password and WiFi SSID.
I do it with my WiFi. Just a couple of QR codes dotted around the house so anyone can scan and connect without asking for the WiFi password.

You can decode these QR codes though and the password becomes plane text so only use them if you not bothered about anyone having the password and WiFi SSID.
Oh yeah - I just tried the QR read for another network, you're right, it reads in plain text! What if the joined device was connected to the host by WPS? - would it still see the password as plain text?
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