Sharing an external HD over the network

5 Feb 2006
First off apologies if this is in the wrong place but I wasn't sure where else to post it.

So I sometimes have my external HD connected to my MBP in the sitting room and I want to share it so that I access it from my MB while in bedroom for the purpose of streaming vids ( not porn ;) ) I have tried multiple tactics and done my best research across the web to no avail. Have tried using ' Sharepoints ' but it keeps crashing .... any other advice would be much appreciated
Enable file sharing on the MBP and the MB will find it pretty much instantly.

I have it enabled on my MacPro and it shares everything from Internal and External HDs and DVDs to USB Sticks.
Enable file sharing on the MBP and the MB will find it pretty much instantly.

I have it enabled on my MacPro and it shares everything from Internal and External HDs and DVDs to USB Sticks.

In system prefs > sharing ? I did that. The MB picks up my MBP and i can see all the folders on my internal drive but not the external :/
Make sure to set user privileges if you're sharing EVERYTHING.

Last thing you want is a snoopy guest or some kid deleting your music collection :(
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