Shark vision-r

I like the look of that, is that an internal sun visor I spot? And how much is the sharks ooh com system?

240 for helmet, 200 for coms.

Yeah it's not a cheap helmet. I'm treating myself tbh, I've never owned a nice one.

I like the idea of the larger visor and all the other features on the vision r.
Just got my vision r today.

Got it for the bargain price of 130 quid. Seems pretty good initially though I've got to wait until later to try it on the road. Will report back then if anyone's interested.

Just been out to test the helmet and have concluded that it is fantastic.

It's so quiet, I can't even hear my engine noise, just the exhaust noise (sounds brilliant whilst riding)

The visor is awesome. The view has hugely improved compared to my last helmet. It doesnt fog up at all as far as I can tell so far, I was actually trying to fog it up to no avail. Also the auto seal system is pretty slick, it lets no air at all in through the visor. Obviously the vents can all be closed too.

Well worth the money IMO.
Is that with a pinlock? If not how does it work?

No, there's like a lever which opens the visor a tiny amount to prevent it misting up. I should have been clearer in my post tbh.

Eidolon, I got it from a friend who owns a store at a very discounted price. They don't retail for that price.
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