Sharp GX 30

5 Aug 2003
Any 1 have 1 of these i got 1 unlock but i cant seem 2 send txt messages been through the settings on the o2 site but still nothing can anyone help plz?
These were only available on Voda iirc. I'm sure there was some problem with the Live! software which stopped you from using them on other networks even when unlocked (or at least made it very difficult).
I unlocked my original GX10 and 20

I imagine you'll need to take it to a market probably, there unlockable but need a data cable (I managed to do mine with a standard datacable, unless they changed it in the GX30) With some software I downloaded, no idea where I got it from, might be worth a google, althought I could only find 1 site with it last year when I did it and it was slow as sin to download (200 bps :|)
The guy i got it from used it on o2 no probs & i used 2 have a GX 10 myself had no probs with that either in the o2 section of the phone theres an icon to GET SETTINGS & o2 send a message to the phone then u click save i,ve done that but still not received anything from them.........never had a prob getting the settings for any of my other phones.
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