I need a garden shed, but I'm not sure what material to get.
I'd like to put it right in the corner of the garden to maximise our grass area. However, putting it right in the corner, or even leaving ~1ft around the edges, means I won't have access to coat 2 of the sides of the shed, which puts me off going for the wood option as I think it needs regular maintenance to stop it from rotting.
I'd be worried about metal rusting over time, plus they look pretty flimsy.
Might a plastic one like the Keter Factor be a better option? They're a bit pricier than a wooden Tigershed jobby, but not by a silly amount. I've got one of the Keter storage boxes and it's ok, but the lid has bowed slightly over time, and the base isn't strong, so I'd be worried about floor standing racks in there, and they're not sturdy enough to hang anything on the walls.
Any suggestions?
I'd like to put it right in the corner of the garden to maximise our grass area. However, putting it right in the corner, or even leaving ~1ft around the edges, means I won't have access to coat 2 of the sides of the shed, which puts me off going for the wood option as I think it needs regular maintenance to stop it from rotting.
I'd be worried about metal rusting over time, plus they look pretty flimsy.
Might a plastic one like the Keter Factor be a better option? They're a bit pricier than a wooden Tigershed jobby, but not by a silly amount. I've got one of the Keter storage boxes and it's ok, but the lid has bowed slightly over time, and the base isn't strong, so I'd be worried about floor standing racks in there, and they're not sturdy enough to hang anything on the walls.
Any suggestions?