Shift windows data onto the installing Ubunto

22 May 2011
Hey all,

Just got the new version Ubunto after my Windows died and can anyone tell me once you have installed, can you still access the date from windows?


What did you do? Your Windows died, what do you mean it died? are you getting Operating System not found or is windows complaining of lost files? Can you not just repair the windows installation., which windows? XP/Vista/7....3.11 ....?

Have you installed Ubuntu? or are you booting on LiveCD?

If you installed : did you partition? did you let the installer partition? did you do that funny install Ubuntu inside windows?

Are you getting Ubuntu to install it and to get rid of Windows once and for all? or you getting your feet wet with Linux?

Did you just insert the CD and click next next next next and tadah Ubuntu booted after 30min and a restart?

You need to clarify some of these points, depending on what you have done or what you intend to do, solutions to your problem vary, in some case it may be very difficult to recover data [only partially if partially overwritten] or impossible if complete overwrite....

Solutions can vary from installing ntfs3g (if not installed in Ubuntu, not sure if it is, it certainly isn't in gentoo) and copying your files out to ubuntu from the windows partition, if a bootloader issue loading mssys (available in apt or compile from sourceforge) and writing the bootloader (can be done using LiveCD), repairing windows or installing linux/windows on another drive and running recovery software to recover from the the drive with the windows damaged????, thats only if you've really messed things up and overwritten stuff. Alternatively you can boot to console and chroot if you've messed your Ubuntu up aswell, which is a bit messy so I would recommend LiveCD.

If you know what your doing then the above should give you a rough idea of where to start, if not answer back and I will try to talk you through it, just need a full picture of what happened and what you've done since to the drive.

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Cheers for the reply.

It started that I turned off the power via the power button. Sometimes I had to do this to get certain things to work correctly. Anyway, once restarted it would go to the 'safety mode, start windows normally' screen, I would select one of the options and itwould just loop and go back to the same screen. The copy of windows was a counterfeit xp/vista.

I freaked out for a day or so cause of losing my stuff, but then my mate suggested Ubuntu. So I downloaded this off of another computer and wrote it to disk and then put it through my computer, it all uploaded successfully and read my Windows hard drive, bit can't really 'use' anything cause presumably I haven't properly installed Ubunto yet. So first thing was first was to upload everything to my external hard drive, which I'm currently doing but it's being seriously slow, like 350 hours for my music... So I'm transferring something else now.

So I wondered if I did a joint installation with Ubunto, I could still access the Windows hard drive. And not completely lose my data.

I can't even access the Internet on it cause its having a problem with working withthe wireless dongle thing I have

Sounds to me like everything is just peachy! just keep your backup going, its slow, yes you've 100's of hours worth of music. I can understand your frustration with ... having no internet. It looks like you've just arrived on the linux scene and I can only recommned that you learn to do this:

google everytime you get stuck in linux!, so to get your wifi card working, google model number/ name and stick a linux after it (into google), chances are you need some proprietary driver/firmware to work it (if available) or better an open source one you may need to configure.
If you use synapic package manager and install the program 'gparted', you can see a graphical view of your hard drives partitions. If you open up 'computer' from the desktop you should see some of the partitions listed there.
Thanks guys!

Where is synapic manager? Is this Ubunto? And do I need the net for this to install gparted? Is this once I've installed Ubunto? So many questions!
Ubuntu not Ubunto! lol..sorry had to get that off my chest :p

In regards to your situation if you have booted from the live cd and selected to try ubuntu and not install, which is what it sounds like then you can mount your ntfs disk along with another usb stick ad copy your data across..unless I have missed something obvious..

Try the following in the terminal:

1. sudo fdisk -l - should show you all your disks e.g. "/dev/sda1"

2. sudo mkdir /media/recovery - create a mount point for the disk

3. sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /media/recovery - Replacing /dev/sda1 with whatever your disk is. You should then see the drive appear on the desktop.

4. ls /media/recovery - should list files/folders on your disk

I might have missed something though as I haven't done this myself in a long time! Hope it works though :)
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