Shiny car

Now that's awesome, but pointless at the same time. You couldn't run it on the road for the sakes of keeping it clean + corrosion free, and you couldn't run it on the track for fear of crashing it.

It's still a awesome project though. I thought it weird it was in the US, but the mini in the background suggests he may be british.
It's a very nice car. I've always liked cars like that, Caterham's, Westfields and the like. Look fast and fun.

I like the sticker in the foot wells, 'no step'. Damn that carbon Fibre floor. Haha.

Yeah but about the finish. Love as it is, you'd have to be rich enough to employ someone full time to polish it, because if it wasn't polished it's look dreadful! But the finish is different i'll give him that.

That is cool, but this is cooler (well IMO) :cool:

The money and work that has gone into that Caterham is crazy.

"Custom built over the last 15 years"..."I enjoy building cars and with this finished, it is time to sell it."

If I had a garage like that then I would do the same.
I love Caterhams/Lotus 7s. I hope to own one in three or four years, maybe sooner.
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