10 May 2004
I'm considering emigrating to the land of school girls and tentacle monsters.

How viable would it be to ship my tower unit to Japan? Its pretty heavy. It would need delicate handling. Any ideas about import restrictions, costs e.t.c.?

Oh dear what has happened to this thread, its all gone to sata and rubber glove love!!!

Anyway would you guys really be that keen just to abandon your PC's and start from scratch. I mean some of these a nice components, its all overclocked and everything. And whats more it works!! I am tempted to take hard disk e.t.c. out of it and putting them in my hand luggage and just putting the case into my suitcase!

That way I can get to J and just plug the thing in and be back to normal (well with a new monitor and some cables, and a new PSU ?). I don't wan't to get to japan only to spend my evenings in fiddling with jumper settings, and broken drivers and that cursed, cursed XP installer. Are you guys sure you would be so keen to discard all your hard work and throw the dice again? I don't know if the dangers of shipping the thing outweigh the dangers of starting from scratch. Also I'll get shafted if I sell it second hand, everyone knows that! Hell I might even give the thing my seat on the plane and get in the suitcase myself!!

I am exclaiming a lot!!!
Yeah I was worried about the cooler because its one of those enourmous tower artic freezer jobs and I could see it doing some damage!

Maybe just leave the mobo in the case with the psu (can I just get a new cable for it in J? I think they are 100v @ 50hz or some such, will my psu be able to deal with that?) and the dvdrw. Put everything else in foam in boxes. Maybe...

I'm not sure.

I could fill the case full of expanding foam sealant. That would hold it all in place!
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