Ship of Heroes (City of Heroes potential successor)

19 Feb 2010
EDIT: Kickstarter was canned but progress has continued. These guys have delivered on every milestone so far which is a refreshing change.

I'm backing CoT, SoH and VO in the hope one of them will provide a CoH-like experience. No MMO has been the same for me so fingers crossed.

Youtube combat vid (youtube tags don't work anymore?):
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Well this has my attention.
Absolutely loved CoH/CoV, miss my old Robotics/Dark Mastermind, spent ages getting his costume perfect.

I still really miss CoH and my Claws/SR scrapper main. Used to love playing my Psi/Empathy defender too. As time goes on I find myself thinking about CoH/CoV more, not less. Damn NCSoft. :(

Anyway, this game has pretty much come out of nowhere and they seem to be running the project very professionally. They've hit every single target on their schedule so far and it's a shame that SoH hasn't had as much exposure as it deserves. I think it's a bit of an odd setting but this has masses of potential. :D

I pop into Paragon Chat every now and then but it just makes me sad what with there being no bad guys to smack down. :(
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More progress - mission instances are working and it's definitely got the City of Heroes feel about it! :D :D :D

More announcements coming at PAX West, apparently.
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