Shipping from EU to UK now brexit has happened

14 Jul 2005
Its very confusing trying to find information on what this now costs.

Im looking to buy an item from Poland which is worth about £300.

The Polish website that Im buying from displays their price including taxes, which I assume means the EU VAT rate.

But I would also get charged UK VAT on the import.

So shouldn't the Polish site show me the price without EU VAT for exporting outside the EU?

Also its confusing what the import duty is. Indications are its just a couple of percent but its not clear.

Anyone know?
Assuming a business the local price should be without local VAT for orders shipped to the UK. UK VAT is paid at import. Import duty is determined by the item classification.

Right that's what I thought but the Polish site shows the price 'incl taxes' so I don't know how to buy the item sans-VAT.
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