Shockingly bad Nildram speeds today.

18 Oct 2002
Newcastle, England
Im getting horrendous speeds today on my supposedly 8meg nildram connection. Its not even getting 50k dl speeds. and on tests its not even getting much above 1meg.

I cant be doing with this, I might can it and go to UKFSN. :)

Anyone else getting this with Nildram?
I'm on UKFSN


Thats on " 8 meg " aswell

Just a heads up, incase you get as much bother as I have with them :o
Jimbo said:
Im getting horrendous speeds today on my supposedly 8meg nildram connection. Its not even getting 50k dl speeds. and on tests its not even getting much above 1meg.

I cant be doing with this, I might can it and go to UKFSN. :)

Anyone else getting this with Nildram?

I think it's a sync problem. I'm on Nildram too and I was getting 1MB speeds too, I rebooted my routering box and speeds returned to normal.

I dunno what I did but I closed bittorrent and opened it again and my speeds were through the roof.

Still not happy with Nildram as an isp though. :p

They have since gone pretty low again though. :rolleyes:

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You might want to check your exchange status.
I'm currently downloading via my Nildram connection at 700kbps+
Felt a little sluggish earlier on - but that was just as everyone was getting home from work and were probably logging on.
Right now my 8mb connection is doing exactly what it says on the tin.
Wow, thanks for that, look at this...

Results for exchange: Newcastle (NE)

Congestion status on this exchange is RED.

Your telephone line has been identified as being on a congested exchange. If you are receiving varying speeds between 400kbs - 2000kbs at different times of the day this is likely to be a result of the congestion issue.
A provisional date of Mar 23, 2007 has been set for upgrading this exchange.
Major Service Outages

There are no Major Service Outages on your line at this present time
Jimbo said:
Wow, thanks for that, look at this...

Results for exchange: Newcastle (NE)

Congestion status on this exchange is RED.

Your telephone line has been identified as being on a congested exchange. If you are receiving varying speeds between 400kbs - 2000kbs at different times of the day this is likely to be a result of the congestion issue.
A provisional date of Mar 23, 2007 has been set for upgrading this exchange.
Major Service Outages

There are no Major Service Outages on your line at this present time


I was red a few weeks back my torrents wouldn't budge over 40kB/s, I felt Nildram were giving me the rough end of a pineapple.

They said at the bottom of the page it would be fixed at Feb 16, was it? hell no!! They performed the upgrade about 3 weeks later. :mad:

I was using my computer and torrents at the time of the upgrade I saw them sky rocket back to thier normal speeds so I checked and it was green.

My guess is this is your problem, if the upgrade goes anything like mine you wont see GREEN for a few more weeks.
My exchange has been congested now since foreever, everytime they fix it it becomes status red again and congested. I really doubt this is BT's fault as well, even though they will try and convince you it is.

Nildram is really poor now, I will probably move if I had the time to search for another better isp! I cant even use the 8meg service because with Nildram the connection drops randomly!
BT 8MB at the moment:

Tonight I can almost guarentee it will be below 1000kbps, sometimes it even goes lower than dial up... No idea what the problem is.
This is mine, alledgedly 8mb with NDO, seriously, they're crap and if they weren't going to fiddle me over migration and contract fees I'd leave today :(

Plus net said:
Exchange contention status: Red

The local telephone exchange, from where your broadband service is provided is currently experiencing very high levels of contention, with many broadband users. As a result of this, you may experience slower connection speeds during busy periods.

Please note that BT regularly upgrade the capacity of their telephone exchanges. We will monitor the BTs engineering schedules, please check back on a weekly basis for further updates.

this is from Plus net. my download speeds have been bad for a long time now.

theres no dates listed for when/if they will upgrade my exchange. i think this is the main problem with people's connections now. not soo much the isp but the actual hardware BT have.
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