Shockwave standalone installer?

18 Oct 2002
Down under mate!
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Thundycat said:
Hi all I unistalled shockwave as I was having problems with it and when I try to update from there site nothing happens,so I have tried downloading the standalone version and still nothing happens?

Can someone try this link please and confirm if it is a problem with the downloads or maybe a prob at my end?

Ok as no one wants to try the link for me :-( does anyone no were I can download the installer from besides Macromedia?

PinkPig said:
I wasn't clear on what you wanted - the link works for me, I can download the 5MB installer. Is that what you meant? (if you're using anything other than IE, try using IE, if you're using IE, try using anything else)
I'm using IE but when I click on the link and hit the download button it says the page cannot be displayed!! any ideas why

Ok finally sorted the problem out for some reason it will not download from home maybe a NTL problem so downloaded at work .Installed fine and all is dandy.

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