New build released Snooker just got a lot better
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+ Physics:
- Coeficient of restitution between balls is set lower than 1.0
- Touching balls detection
- Cushion's friction increased in cloth ShootersPool Rapide
- Cushion's friction decreased in cloth ShootersPool Snooker
- Side spin lasts more in the balls
- Lowered cushion's nose in snooker tables
- Lowered cushion's rebound in snooker table ShootersPool Stella
- Improved directional nap in Shooters Snooker cloth
+ Graphics:
- Changes in decoration in location 'ShootersPool Challenge Arena'
- 8 Ball HUD
- Blackball HUD
- Improved accuracy of colors representation
- Improved colors in most ballsets
- Bug: baize low quality shader
- Lowered intensity of lights in location 'ShootersPool Tournament TV Arena'
+ Game rules:
- Snooker:
- Touching ball
- Snooker free training:
- Balls not moveable before the break off
- Colored balls not moveable after the break off
- Carom (all variants)
- Finalization of match with counter-start
- Bug with turns and timer
- 8 Ball:
- Bug: Not foul when doing a carom to the 8 ball with an opponent's ball
- Bug: Not foul when doing a carom to the last opponent's ball with the 8 ball
+ Controls:
- Camera action to perform after the shot is customizable. Default is 'Follow cueball'
- Stroke speed control improved and faster
- Camera doesn't auto-aim to the closest ball, it maintains its direction
- Increased angle of view restriction
+ Misc:
- Posibility of passing ball's simulation to the end of the shot in offline game
+ Other bugs:
- Memory leak in replay shots management
- Crash when gaming room's name had special characters
- Mouse was centered when playing while menus were opened