Shopping for bundles

5 Feb 2013
May be a real newbe question - but I am quite new to OCUK...
When I was looking for a bundle the other day, it seemed that whenever I selected a mobo I would get options to add CPU and Memory. Now today, there is a selection of bundles, but when I select a mobo, no choice to add options to make a bundle. Am I missing something simple?
This is all I see - I am looking for an AMD based bundle of mobo/cpu/memory:
...but the other day it seemed like I could select a mobo like this page:
..and then there were options in pull-downs to add compatible cpu and memory; before adding it all to the basket. (This resulted in better pricing than adding components individually to the basket.) Did I imagine this? Unfortunately I was on another PC so I can't check the history.
Thanks Cloudstomp, but not the system configurator, just looking for mobo/cpu/memory.

If you have an example of a motherboard page where you get the option pulldowm can you send that URL? I was looking at AMD FM2 with A55 and A75 chipsets btw.
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