Short harnesses

18 Oct 2002
Does anyone know where i can get 3 point harnesses that have a really really short anchoring strap for the shoulder mount?

I need to fit some harnesses to the defender which has side facing seats, but there are no anchoring points for the shoulder straps (currently only got lap belts) so i am getting some structural "hoops" welded in behind the seats to anchor the shoulder straps to but the problem is thats only about 4" behind the seat - so a 2ft anchoring strap is waaay too long.

suggestions please :)
Slime101 said:
It doesnt seem to say what's so different to justify the 4x price hike tho :eek:

I never worked that out I must admit....orignally purchased my Willans ones for the TR7 and thought I would get the caterham style - found they were too short and got saloon versions with something like a £50/£75 refund on the pair....less material = more cost it would seem!!
Lashout_UK said:
What, so the harnesses will run down the back of the seat to bolt to the floor directly below?

No because if i did that then the seat would colapse in an accident and the harness would be useless.

In the 90 CSW there is a beefy bar from which the seats and seatbelts mount - i'm having 4 hoops fabricated and welded to the bar which come up behind the seat backs onto which the harness shoulder straps will mount - this means they will be either level, or at a slight downward angle depending on the height of the person in the seat which is ideal :)
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