Shortcut to folder contents on desktop

22 Oct 2005
I like to save a few files/folders to the desktop when I work. These are usually temporary and only last for a few days, and the turnover can be quite high. The reason for saving to the desktop is I can always see it when I work, and I can access everything with a single click.

Changes are being made to my work machine which means stuff on the desktop will no longer be backed up, so I have to save things elsewhere.

I know I could just place a shortcut to My Docs (or wherever) on my desktop, but that's an extra click and a new window to navigate (I know, first world problems right?!). I could create individual shortcuts to each file in the new location, but as I mentioned, the turnover is quite high so this would be tedious.

Is there something I can do which essentially shows every file/folder from a specific location on the desktop?
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