Shortlist of speakers to pair with NAD C541i and C320

18 Oct 2002
Current setup is NAD C541i and C320 (not the BEE) with Celestion F20 floorstanders. The speakers will be relegated to DVD duty when I upgrade the Stereo music system (I have the smaller F10 and F series centre speakers already).

The question is, which speakers should be on my shortlist when I go and do some demoing? I'm leaning towards some Dynaudio bookshelf's, and being budget-conscious, 2nd hand.

Budget is ~ £500.

I did some listening tests with a mate who had the Audience 62's and a more expensive CD and amp than my NADs (snigger, I said NADs :D) and there wasn't much in it (I forget which amp and CD player he had, but they had some wood detailing and some name like Audio Fidelity or somesuch).

Music is mainly alternative rock, but with a good blend of electronica (Orbital, Plaid etc).

Cabling is DIY - solid core CAT5, 3 strands braided per speaker, inters are silver-core ****** jobs and thrashed the heck out of the CA Arctics I used to have and, satisfyingly, the crazy-priced snake oil variants my mate was using ;)

Thanks for any tips.
I know the C320 isn't overly beefy, but that NAD amps are normally pretty powerful for their spec.

The amp would be the next thing to be upgraded (after the speakers), and I'd rather not buy some speakers only for them to be a stopgap solution.

I suppose the speakers I get must be able to be driven on the C320, but also benefit from a future amp upgrade. Shall I use the C320 as a pre, or just get a more powerful integrated? Or use the C320 to power the tweeters, and another integrated to do the bass?

argh, too many questions in one thread...
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