Should Directors film at 16:9

13 Nov 2006
For the simpletons I am talking about black bars on your Widescreen TVs when watching films.

Ok before you all bite my head off I would just like to state I watch movies however the director intended them to be. But I do get a more enjoyable experience when a movie uses all of my tvs pixels ( usually disney movies )

Would it be so much to ask if directors started their vision at 16:9. It in my eyes is a great standard and is suitable for all.

**puts flame suit on preparing for the OAR loyalists**
SGCWill said:
Uh no??

its only got the black bars on your tv because you haven't set it up right. It's called fit to screen or automatic?

however if it was filmed in 16:9, a lot of older TV (especially CRT's) doesn't support AR Correction, so would cause more problems than solve.

Like I say im not one to zoom in when I know the sides are missing. I will watch it with black bars if it means seeing all of the frame.

I mean if the director started from the beginning with a 16:9 ratio in mind.
To be honest I think a better question would be why did TV manufacturers pick 16:9 when most films use 2.35:1!


Because you would be able see ALL of the set on the "David Letterman show"........including the Fire Exits.
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