Should i be worried?

1 Dec 2005
Stoke on Trent
Im using an EVGA 650W gold rated psu with the rig in my sig.

Whilst in the bios i noticed that the +12v was reading +11.903 and the +5v was reading +4.90

Is this anything to be worried about? Systems stable and has been fine. I wouldnt have known if it wasnt for the fact i was in the bios trying to enable XMP for the RAM
It's fine. Min/max tolerances on the +12v rail are +11.40v/+12.60v and on the +5v rail are +4.75v/+5.25v. Yours are in between these so it's not a problem. Bios and software aren't particularly accurate when it comes to voltages anyway. The only real way to be sure is with a expensive PSU test kit or a multimeter.
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