Should I buy a mirrorless?

15 Feb 2013
Hey all,

So I've got a dlsr, 2 lenses.
And I've got in the habit of never taking it anywhere..... :/

I find it big and bulky, though have no problem with using all the settings and everything. I also love (some of) the photos I can take with it.

Though I've got 2 lenses, I really rarely changed them and found I could take satisfying picture with whichever I had on at the time.

I'm just wondering if a mirrorless would give me the carry-ability I want that'll get me back in the habit of taking photos again.
I wasn't really looking for a compact,
I'd looked at the likes of a couple of the sonys, fujifilm xt1
But wasn't sure what I'd be getting/losing getting one.

Tbh Schizo's reply makes it sound like a good avenue, I probably wouldn't move into multiple lenses (he says) so I might start looking for things to get some hands on
Well my camera only comes out on holidays and birthdays as it is, pictures of the family.
I don't consider bringing it to say, nice days in the park etc. And after I do regret not bringing it.
I think that APSC is what I was looking at yeah.

I completely understand the 'new toy' problem. And I know I'm bad for it :/

It stems from getting the 50mm for my Canon and it feeling much nicer to carry with the shorter lens, then thinking if everything else could just be a bit scaled back I could feel like it's 'a camera in my bag' rather than 'the bag for my camera' which it becomes with my Canon
Thanks for the replies.
I think I probably will go for a mirrorless :D
I've been trying to not focus on the fujifilm, because I know the look is calling to me, but from the people here it sounds like it's not a bad shout
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