Should i change from xp to Linux?

1 Jun 2009

Since xp support finished, my computer has slowly but surely ground to a halt. It is an old computer (almost 10 years old) but up until the xp support deadline was still a very dependable and relatively fast computer (for what i needed it for). Would be great if someone could answer these questions:

1. Is the deterioration of my computer due to the stopping of xp support? And, if so, why?

2. Whilst xp support has finished, why do i still get the occasional installed update when closing down?

3. Would installing Linux improve my system?

Thank you for anyone that takes the time to help!
Thank you all for all the messages. I'm going to give Linux a try on a USB stick as some of you suggested, just to see how it goes. I mostly use my computer for internet browsing because it has become impossible to use things like photoshop, dreamweaver etc. I'm probably just going to bite the bullet and build a new system.

To be honest, things have improved slightly after getting rid of chrome as my browser. Was so damn slow. I'm now using firefox which takes up only 80mb on the harddrive, as opposed to chrome which was over 400mb! Any ideas why chrome is so big on space? And why is it so sluggish on my system compared to firefox?
I had been getting a recurring problem with chrome where it would frequently crash. I tried reinstalling it but kept happening. It's just happened once on firefox since i installed it 30 minutes ago. But, if the problem persists, is it likely to be a problem with my computer causing the browser to crash? I've installed the necessary updates for firefox too. The only thing i've noticed is that the latest java update is unstable with xp, but that shouldn't be an issue with the browser right?
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