Should I dial down my monitor res?

6 Jan 2011
Stoke on Trent
Just wondering on peoples views on how much performance is lost running monitors in the background. People always discuss the mirroring aspect of what is on the display, but not how much the monitors take their toll on loss of performance. Maybe it is just me , but I accidently forgot to switch two of my triples on after using the wall socket for a drill. I went with it and just stayed on one monitor 1080 and I was not getting stutters when using the Vive Pro in Iracing when normally I do

Perhaps running all that res (5760x1080 144Hz) takes its toll in the background. Should I just run one screen on the lowest res and refresh (60 hz) for better VR performance. Even though you are not really doing anything on the desktop and is basically still, does it make a difference? Currently running Zotac 1080ti
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The only anecdotal reason to do this was on No Man's Sky as someone postulated that Hello Games appeared to double rendering the scene. Once for the HMD and one for the mirror.

/shrug. No idea if it's true or not but I lowered the res for the mirror screen anyway and (along with a lot of other tweaks) improved my framerate.

But apart from NMS it's normally just an image of the headset game and doesn't need much grunt to display.
Thanks guys. But just to be clear up any confusionm, its not the HMD mirroring element I`m refering to. The bit im focusing on is the GPU grunt to run 5760x 1080 144hz triples desktop in the background. surly this takes a lot away from the GPU before i have even started using the VR headset?
It depends on the game. Project Cars 2 and IL-2 certainly take a performance hit from their mirrored displays. No Man's Sky does not as far as I can tell.

Generally the mirrored display is just what is already rendered for the headset before the lens transforms and the compositor are applied so has no performance impact.
Thanks guys. But just to be clear up any confusionm, its not the HMD mirroring element I`m refering to. The bit im focusing on is the GPU grunt to run 5760x 1080 144hz triples desktop in the background. surly this takes a lot away from the GPU before i have even started using the VR headset?
No, doubtful. Other than using up some additional GPU memory and probably 0.1% of your GPU performance if they're idle, I wouldn't worry about it.
Thanks guys. But just to be clear up any confusionm, its not the HMD mirroring element I`m refering to. The bit im focusing on is the GPU grunt to run 5760x 1080 144hz triples desktop in the background. surly this takes a lot away from the GPU before i have even started using the VR headset?

My Answer is still, Nope, No difference. :)
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