Should I get a MacBook Pro?

29 Aug 2006
South London
A couple of months ago my laptop died after over five years of loyal service. I have been saving up for a replacement since and I am now on the verge of being able to get it.

I will be using this laptop for pro audio applications (namely Cakewalk - Sonar 8) and so a beefy CPU and plenty of RAM is vital. I was considering getting a laptop from Dell (See here for the specification). But after eyeing up a 15" MacBook Pro with similar specifications (2.8Ghz Core2Duo, 4Gb RAM) I am having second thoughts. I have always admired Macs from a design standpoint, they seem well built and reliable. If I were to get one I would be sticking Windows XP on it and using that as the sole operating system (before you take gasps of horror at the thought, I really have no need to use OSX for any of my work). I have seen that I can use Bootcamp drivers to get all the hardware working.

Taking the above into consideration, would you say I would be doing the right thing getting a MacBook? Or should I get the Dell. Thank you for your input!
Thank you all for your feedback, it seems like a pretty unanimous decision that the Dell is the one to go for. @ Bonjour, adding a WUXGA screen isn't a bad shout now you mention it, I'll update my spec and get it ordered soon :)
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