Should I Get My Geil Ultra-X 1gb 2-2-2-5 Kit Replaced

18 Feb 2006

I recently brought a 1GB Dual Channel Kit of Geil Ultra-X 2-2-2-5 Nforce4 Edition.

My problem is that the memory fails to boot into windows at them timings and i either get a BSOD or Instant Restart when loading windows.

I know its not the motherboard or any other componant as i have tested it on 2 differant motherboards and the same problem occurs. I also tryed my Geil ONE Memory with the 2-2-2-5 Timings on my current MSI K8N Diamond and it boots into windows fine where as the Geil Ultra-X Dosnt.

If there anything i have missed that could be causing the Geil Ultra-x To be blue screening? or is it genuinly faulty?

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