Should I get the 18-55 STM lens?

7 Oct 2010
Hey everyone

So today I inherited my Dad's 650D as he purchased a new camera body. However, I'm still using my old Canon 18-55 kit lens (the one without IS) and I'm feeling the need to upgrade to a better lens.

Would the 18-55 STM be a worth while upgrade? I'm on a tight budget and this lens can be bought for quite cheap on auction sites.

Or should I save up a bit more and go for the Tamron 17-50?
always buy the best you can afford, buy cheap, buy twice as they say. You'll appreciate the faster 17-50 over the 18-55.
It's an awesome lens. Out of all the lenses I've had, and I know it's sometimes a lottery getting a sharp copy, but it's probably been the sharpest lens I've had.
Not sure what lenses are better at this price point but the more expensive is better in the long run if you have the bug.
I assume the tamron is better.. So you made the right choice!

I didn't even get a kit lens
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