Should i overclock my fx-55?

17 Jun 2005
OK, silly question maybe, but ive had this chip for over a year, and ive never attempted an O/C.

The reason being is i don't really know how....and the cpu is cooled by a zalman reserator, which normally lets the cpu idle at about 38 degrees.

The cpu is also an origional clawhammer model, which has a higher heat output if im not mistaken.

Is it worth having a shot at an overclock? or will the temps hit too high levels.

Any advice would be really handy, as this chip did cost a fortune when i first bought it.
Yes you should! The reason they're so expensive is because of their unlocked multi, try raising the multiplier from 13 to 14 and test for stability in Windows using prime 95. If its unstable, try increasing the voltage a little. Keep an eye on load temps, i think those chips can take up to 60c, maybe more
OK ok youve talked me into having a go. ;)

Sometimes my load temps hit 54-55 degrees. I never thought that was too bad though?

Thanks for the help.
Jonesiani said:
OK ok youve talked me into having a go. ;)

Sometimes my load temps hit 54-55 degrees. I never thought that was too bad though?

Thanks for the help.
my IDLE temps are anywahere between 43-47 c on my 4000+
muddyfox470 said:
whats the point of having a fx55 if you don't overclock it? :P

my thoughts exactly... why pay a premium for a chip that (without overclocking in mind) is essentially just 200mhz faster than its nearest rival :confused:

buying an FX55 without overclocking in mind is either for willy waving at the time, or money to burn :p ;)

either way mate, yes... definately look into overclocking... the FX models are designed for overclocking, they have unlocked multipliers which help immensly in OCing :)

edit: for reference
my 4000+ @ 2.6GHz idles at 30c... your temps are pretty high mate :-/
Raikiri said:
Well they shouldnt be, I can run my heatsink passively and my load temp is lower than that :p
Welcome to the domain of the coolermaster wavemaster...... (i.e. non exsistent intake)
Surely 2.8? I didn't think 3.8 was even nearly possible :x

my 3000ven can do about 2.8 if i push, but my idle temp is about 40 atm... Think stock coolers having a paddy at me :D

Damn high temps..I blame the weather.
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