Should i upgrade my current rig?

23 Apr 2006
I would to ask for opinion if i should upgrade my current rig.
AMD 64 4000+ with Syte Ninja (stock)
2 gb corsair 2.5-3-3-6-T1
A8N SLI premium
Winfast 7800 gt (stock)
HD 250 samsung SATA2
Tagan 580w
P180 antec

My system is alright, i am quite satisfy with its performace on games and my applications. I am a big fan of FPS and play CS source quite a lot. but i feel like i should upgrade it due the current market price.
I current concerns are

1. I understand that 7800 gt is no longer on market, it means my upgrade option is quite limited
2. If i want to sell my 7800 gt and go for 7900 gt or GTX my CPU and MB would not balance with this set up
3. 1800xt seems to be a good option however, i may have to change MB to satisfy the card
4.If i leave my current system like this will it be sensible to upgrade later without the chance to throw the system away.
If anyone please guide me with some advice and options within reasonble budget

I really can not make up my mind.
Upgrade due to current market prices.... hmm sounds like a really bad idea, not even sure I understand the reason, it almost sound as if you wanna invest/money speculate in computer hardware, and that is probably the most stupid thing to do - would you care to explain?

But if your'e happy with performance in all your computer tasks, gaming and work, I would def. keep the computer you got.

Overall it sounds like you caught the "I am bored and need new hardware" flue, and the only cure is to just buy some new stuff, or try and fight the urge for the next couple of days :)
Welcome to the forums, I'd personally leave it as it is if you have no problems with it currently.

All the basic parts are good solid components, you could go dual core or upgrade the graphics card quite easily but I don't think I'd bother changing just for the sake of it. If you did go for an X1800XT you wouldn't have to change your motherboard as an ATI graphics card works fine with a Nvidia based motherboard and vice versa.
You've got a good system already, no need to upgrade. But if you're getting lagging framerate replace the gfx card. If you do get a single ATI X1800/X1900 you don't need to replace the motherboard.
Unless you play at or above 1900*1200, upgrading will not make a difference in source.

You could upgrade monitor if you want to upgrade something, nothing wrong with a bigger or another monitor.
thanks for the above comments and advice

I forget to mention few things. Firstly, i am play my games on 1280x1024 res. I am surely do not want to spend more than 50 pounds on it unless it is very reasonable upgrade.

So far keeping the current system seems to be a good reason.
Anyway more comments would be great
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