Should OCuk be selling ballistix they know to be faulty??

15 Dec 2005
Just curious to know if its ethical to sell stuff that you know or suspect to be faulty??

Surely the memory is not "fit for the purpose" for which it is intended, and you would be entitled to a full refund, and not just a replacement? Why would you want to receive replacements, which are just as likely to be fault???

Judging by the posts on this forum, and everywhere else for that matter... it is quite clear there is a fault with these kits, yet they continue to be sold???

Do OCuk provide the replacement service withint he first 12 months, as it is almost like they are selling them off cheap to get rid of them, make their money... and tell everyone to RMA to Crucial.

When I emailed to ask how many were being returned, they wouldnt tell me exactly, other than there was a high return rate. Why not tell me, if there wasnt a very high return rate - are they hiding something???

It seems even Crucail no logner has them on their site, and say they are chosing to turn their production to the more popular 512mb and DDR2, which I think is just a rather lame excuse!!
But surely thats for them to take up with Crucial, and not to pass on defective goods to the consumer.. selling goods that are know to be faulty, without disclosure.. hmmm im sure thats in breach of some consumer law....
They are arent thet..?? Ive read in some posts that people are on their third replacements...!! Now if that doesnt start ringin some alarm bells somewhere, I dont what will!!!

Anyway rant over.. dont mean to rock the boat... and after all this, im still very tempted to order a pair, afterall I can either get faulty ones replaced, exchanged or get a refund.. so Im not loosin out really... but they do have some great reviews, although reviewers probably only test for a short period of time...

Dutchguy.. thats a very fair point!!! I know people usually use forums to moan about things!!! lol... like me!!!!!!!
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