Should there be a cap?

27 Dec 2011
Given the current controversy over Barcelona forward Neymar and his possible £198 transfer fee, do you not think that football has gotten out of control regarding transfer fees?

For example, if the FA imposed a fifty million pound cap on transfer fees, then the savings made could be used to reduce ticket prices for the fans. After all, it's the fans like you and me who keep the sport alive.

Brian Clough said that money will ruin the game, and he's being proved right. Season ticket prices are extortionate. If clubs didn't have to pay such ridiculous prices for players then :

  • We would see fewer clubs going into administration
  • Lower prices for fans at the gate
  • More signings and easier transfers from one club to another

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Wouldn't it be better to put a cap on ticket prices and let the clubs do what they want with their money?

That would work too, good point. But would they do that? Is it financially viable for the club and would it not mean the lost income at the gate would simply fuel the need to raise transfer fees further in order to recoup money? I don't know. Ultimately though, however you look at it, £198 million pounds for a player is just ridiculous.
Why would a for-profit company do that? Fans are used to paying current ticket prices. There's no incentive to reduce ticket prices, and therefore profits, for the company when they can simply reduce costs and keep ticket prices high. Fans will continue to pay it because they are used to it.

I'm simply stating what should happen. It's not unreasonable to suggest that a cap on ticket prices could be imposed.
Everyone who uses Sky or BT for household services is paying for this. That's what irks me.

It irks me too. That's one of the reasons I've switched from BT to Virgin. I wouldn't even consider Sky as Rupert Murdoch is a lying crook and he's never going to earn even a penny off me.
Virgin pay Sky to carry their channels, so you still end up paying, to some extent.

Only sky channels. I'm not interested in any sky channels, so like I said, Sky get nothing from me directly. What Virgin do with their revenue is their business.

Anyway, lets try and stay on topic please.
If someone gave me that kind of money you can bet your bottom dollar I'd be using it to help others out, or help beat cancer.

Well said. I'd do the same. Why have millions in the bank that you don't need when you could put it to some philanthropic cause.
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