Shoulders and the Back techniques

4 Jun 2005

my lat pull down (for the front) I am unsure if im doing it right - I want to do it for the lats not bicep or tricep and I pull to the solar plexes/upper chest and back up again - is that right? I also get a bicep workout from it...

Also theres a pull down for the back you sit like a rowing machine position and pull the handle back. I only feel it in the bicep though, I remember you have to keep your back straight or something?

Lastly, whats the best shoulder excercises? I only do shrugs, shoulder press/free weights press and the one where u pull the weights up and out by your side.

Any help is always appreciated.

PAz said:

Bent Over Rows


They are the three main exercises you need for building a solid back.
What he says, there's no better exercises for your back. Just note there's no need to perform a seperate exercise for your traps when you are doing Deadlifts, these will build them up like no other exercise! ;) so forget shrugs! Also, chins (shoulder width grip, palms facing you) hammer your biceps and build them up like no other exercise (imho) so you only need a couple of sets of seperate bicep work like barbell curls. Do this and watch those bi's grow ;)

As for shoulders, I find these 3 a well rounded workout:
Front Press, - Front delt
Upright Row - Middle delt & to a much lesser degree Traps
Rear Raises - Rear Delts

These will hit the delts all over and they also allow you to go heavy, which is the most important for building mass and strength (If that's your goal of course) Exercises like Lat Raises and front raises just don't allow you use a lot of weight.
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