my lat pull down (for the front) I am unsure if im doing it right - I want to do it for the lats not bicep or tricep and I pull to the solar plexes/upper chest and back up again - is that right? I also get a bicep workout from it...
Also theres a pull down for the back you sit like a rowing machine position and pull the handle back. I only feel it in the bicep though, I remember you have to keep your back straight or something?
Lastly, whats the best shoulder excercises? I only do shrugs, shoulder press/free weights press and the one where u pull the weights up and out by your side.
Any help is always appreciated.
my lat pull down (for the front) I am unsure if im doing it right - I want to do it for the lats not bicep or tricep and I pull to the solar plexes/upper chest and back up again - is that right? I also get a bicep workout from it...
Also theres a pull down for the back you sit like a rowing machine position and pull the handle back. I only feel it in the bicep though, I remember you have to keep your back straight or something?
Lastly, whats the best shoulder excercises? I only do shrugs, shoulder press/free weights press and the one where u pull the weights up and out by your side.
Any help is always appreciated.