Shouldn't "Space" be accessable to anyone who has a means to get there?

America can claim all they want that others don't have a right to go into space, but if it ever gets challenged I have no doubt the US will get beaten down by the UN. Unless someone is putting weapons in space which is already against international treaties.
In reality, the only way for the US to "deny access" is to strategically strike any facility which enables space flight by a so called enemy state.

But in reality, why is a given piece of land yours? Originally it was because you were there first and prevented others from taking it from you.
America could certainly have the power to do the same, if it wasn't illegal. however, when have America ever paid attention to the law when under threat?
Psyk said:
America can claim all they want that others don't have a right to go into space, but if it ever gets challenged I have no doubt the US will get beaten down by the UN. Unless someone is putting weapons in space which is already against international treaties.

...and that looks to be the only time when the US are concerned about preventing anything (along with other acts which would affect their interests, so I guess if someone else tried to disable their satellites it would also come under this)
So for an example N. Korea had a legitimate space program......America could claim they were a threat. Space doesn't belong to the daft belongs to me. The UN let the USA invade Iraq for WMD they were not there but never told them to pull out....where are the UN now !!.... The army bod on the news the other day said the army had suceeded in there objective of removing Sadam from power..I never rememeber that objective submitted to the UN.

I think the UN the UK and the USA power structure and decision making is one and the same body.
Its the USA's Space is it? Just wait till some large intergalactic space force much like the sith appears and points cannon at america....They will just shurg and point the finger at:

A.) UK, as we are their lapdogs lol
B.) a communist country

Its their's till they get proven out of power i guess, UN could make them bow down if needed.

:rolleyes: and yes i just finished watching star wars :o
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Phil99 said:
...and that looks to be the only time when the US are concerned about preventing anything (along with other acts which would affect their interests, so I guess if someone else tried to disable their satellites it would also come under this)
In that case it was kind of pointless America claiming anything since that's already not allowed. Maybe they'd say they are willing to enforce the rule, which would be great if they are willing to stick to it themselves. But I get the impression that they don't want other countries putting stuff into space if for example it gives that country an economic advantage over the US. Stopping other countries disabling their satellites is fair enough, but disallowing other countries to put up their own satellites isn't fair game if you ask me.
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