Show off your iPhone photos/videos

16 Jan 2005
*** Show off your iPhone photos/videos ***

Haven't found another thread for this yet (though I could have missed it) - now everyone has their new iPhone (or not as the case may be) I thought it'd be a good idea to have a thread that showcases how good (or bad) the iPhone's camera is.

Here's a very short vid that I took with the 3GS:
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Quick photo I took the just before I shot the video:
i see someone has an r4 for his nintendo ds :p

to be honest i always found the daylight quaity of the 3g to be perfectly adequate when viewed on the iphone screen, or without blowing it up massively on your pc.

that said, the camera is the only bit i miss from my old n95 :p

Yep, the N95 camera was fantastic. And my N95's screen has died now so can't even use it if I want to!

I ended up taking the 3GS back to o2 for a refund. Kept randomly shutting itself off (possibly overheating) and they refused to replace it unless I could prove it was faulty!! So had my money back and told them I didn't like a phone that didn't have a real keypad :D

So back to using my 3G for now. Missing the 3GS' speed and camera already though... sooo tempted to pop to the Apple store and get another.
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