Show off your VR space!

9 Mar 2010
Since I'm going through the process of clearing out our "room of shame" (the room full of boxes after you move house) so I can move my computer from our shared study to the much larger room I thought it might be a good idea for people to show off their play areas.

This older image shows off my current rig / setup but minus the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive - but it's unchanged.

For seated stuff I've got a couple of position I put my chair in to play flying or racing sims:

With everything pushed to the side I get 2m by 1.6m of playspace in the middle of the room:

I'm moving to this room - 4mx4m of pure VR awesomeness! I might even have to sell tickets for admission! :D

As its name suggests though, I've got a bit of work to make it usable!
Shifted some stuff around (instead of clearing out! :) ) and now I've got this to work with!

I mention on it in another thread but having this much space really isn't necessary. Moving from a much more restricted space to something as large as this makes little difference when you actually start playing a game as the built in mechanics to teleport around are made to be super convenient.

Good fun for a little gimmick, day to day stuff I hardly notice the difference.

** Oversized image, use Spoiler tags or resize **
Put this together at the weekend.

The unit itself is the same depth as my desk so when I push it against the wall it doesn't impede on the VR space. Nothing too fancy and kind of made it up as we went along.

Plan is for a second keyboard and mouse to sit next ot the SideWinder on the desk then put it all into a powered up so there's one cable going from the unit to the computer.

USB power is a bit of an issue when you're trying to run 2xVR headsets and about 8 peripherals!

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