An upcoming action-RPG developed by NEKCOM Entertainment. Inspired by 80s' pop culture, this post-apocalyptic adventure follows a teenage girl who is mysteriously revived from the dead and finds herself faced with a world teeming with zombies, monsters, and human survivors. This new Showa American Story gameplay reveals more of the game's combat, characters, story, specific locations in the world, and more. We also meet new boss, Shogun.Showa American Story will be released in 2025 for PS5 (PlayStation 5) and PC (Steam). It's available to wishlist now.
Showa American Story on Steam
SHOWA AMERICAN STORY is a brand new RPG and an enthusiastic love letter to the 80s' pop culture that features a strong taste of B-Movies. Follow Chouko's journey of truth and revenge across North America as she grows stronger.