Shuffle-like form factor MP3 players

27 Sep 2004
Luton ;)
Hi guys,

Still looking to pick up a MP3 player and very much undecided whats the best out there (been off the scene so long). Anyway I really only need something that holds enough variety of music for a day, but Im considering the actual size (measurements wise) is more important than space (bigger the better if possible).

So since everyone knows the size of the ipod Shuffle(/Nano) what other players are the same dimensions but are superior. Not considering the Shuffle or Zen Stone because they dont have a screen...

Important features:
Native drag and drop
Wide codec usage
Above average sound quality

P.S. Ive added the Nano in just since its probably the biggest soze I would be after realistically...

P.P.S. Few of you here will be glad to know Im gonna match it with a pair of EX90s :)


ps3ud0 :cool:
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