Shuffle, Listen, Review!

7 Dec 2003
Shamelessly I have stolen this idea from another forum but I think you'll appreciate it.

So the aim is set your mp3 player to random and review the first 5 or 10 songs! :D

We Are Scientists - Textbook
A good tune to start off with, a slower song than they'd normally play but it has a nice, shuffling chorus and also I like WAS!

Postal Service - Nothing Better
Another solid tune! :) I love the way the two singers overlap and exchange verses, also the introduction of the female singer with the rousing string riff is wicked. The percussion contrasts nicely as well, a catchy song to be sure!

Rammstein - Du Hast
I have a thing for foreign lyrics/accents in songs which is the reason why Rammstein are the only industrial band I can claim to like. This song reminds me of Nazis (as do most Rammstein songs actually, in fact most of Germany does) which adds to the overall message of hate I'm getting from it. It has a cool section where the relenting militaristic percussion changes into a more funky off-beat rhythm which is typically a wicked convention in any song! Overall however it's not one of my favourite Rammstein songs. :(

Ying Yang Twins - Naggin
Haha, how I love these guys. This song really does embody both what I love and hate about Ying Yang Twins - a great rhythm, tune and overall sound marred by typically chauvinistic, egocentric lyrics. I can handle that though, I suppose the arrogance of the song adds to my enjoyment of them in an ironic way.

My Chemical Romance - Cemetery Drive
I forgot I even had this album on my computer but listening to this songs reminds me of what I liked about it! This song starts with a marching band snare beat which is unusual for MCR but very welcome, it contrasts fantastically which the chorus which resumes MCR's normal form with a thrashing, and surprisingly very catchy melody. It's probably their best song and one I'd recommend anyone to listen to!
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Where are your reviews, then?! I'll do this - although I've recently backed up all of the music on my PC and deleted all apart from the stuff I really, really like, so expect all of the reviews to be glowing ;)

1. Zolof the Rock and Roll Destroyer - Mean Old Coot from Jalopy Go Far
This is a really fun, upbeat and happy song, perfect for summertime! The guitars are really satisfying and 'crunchy' for lack of a better word, and it's got a really catchy singalong chorus - "It's one two three chop!". It's short and sweet, and just makes you feel... happy! I recommend it.

2. Arab Strap - Act of War from Monday at the Hug and Pint
Haha, talk about contrast. This song is dominated by two things - mellow, mournful violins and and a sorrowful vocal line. It's beautiful in a fragile, melancholy kind of way. I don't really know what the lyrics are about, but I'm sure they're not very upbeat. I love the singer's Scottish brogue, which really comes out in this song - much more than in many of the others.
About 2/3 of the way through there's a sudden burst of crazy, freak-out horns and violins which adds some much-needed colour to the track. It still doesn't lose the overcast, moody feel though. Nice.

3. Menomena - Trigga Hiccups from I Am The Fun Blame Monster
Menomena's songs are always catchy, and always succeed in making you feel a bit wrong. This track has a strong upfront bassline which is backed by a twinkly, echoey piano. After a while a funky, choppy guitar comes in and adds a bit of liveliness, before the track morphs seamlessly into a more mellow piano affair. But wait - here come the funky drums! Here comes that bassline again! It's all about to kick off! Actually, it never quite manages to hit the heights that it promises, which is a bit dissapointing. I seem to remember liking this track a lot more when I was listening to it in the context of the album. The worst one so far.

4. Rilo Kiley - Plane Crash in C from Take Offs and Landings
I could never get enough of Jenny Lewis's voice. She sounds like a lost little sixteen year old girl most of the time, which is incredibly cute. On this song, where she's singing about a relationship with someone who didn't love her back, that gragility comes through a hundredfold.
There's a fantastic bridge with some really funky horns about halfway through, which I approve of massively. Horns always make a song better. It's possible that this song drags on a bit too long, but it's worth it for the gentle acoustic ending, bereft of anything but the most sparse musical accompaniment, before the song finally closes with the full on vitriol of "Maybe I'm just stupid for laughing at your jokes". She manages to sound pretty even when she's being nasty. Incredible.

5. The Decemberists - The Legionnaire's Lament from Castaways and Cutouts
This is a fantastic choice to end on. The Decemberists always fancied rambling narratives instead of the typical heartfelt outpourings when putting lyrics to their songs, and this is no exception. It tells the story of a man who's joined the foreign legion and is fighting far away from home, and how he misses home. Anyone who can rhyme "mirage" with "shiraz" gets respect in my book.
Despite the wistful lyrics it's a pretty chirpy song, with a walking bassline and a relentlessly happy beat. There's also what sounds suspiciously like an accordion providing the main melody, which is refreshingly different. This is a long way from my favourite Decemberists song, and the fact that it's still excellent testifies to just how great this band are.

6. Bunny Fuzzy - Mickey Most from 'My Summer Love' Compilation
I was only going to do five, but then this track came on! It's on a compilation I have of Japanese girl-rock bands which I've yet to listen to, and it's great. Imagine the 5678s on speed, with heavier guitars, and you might just be imagining Bunny Fuzzy. It's also ridiculously short - I've only had time to type this much and it's ended already!
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Arcade Fire said:
Where are your reviews, then?! I'll do this - although I've recently backed up all of the music on my PC and deleted all apart from the stuff I really, really like, so expect all of the reviews to be glowing ;)

Sorry I was writing them, I thought I'd just post the thread up first!
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