Shure e2c - Am I the only person that doesn't rate these?

17 Oct 2002
Not only do I not rate them, I'm now kicking myself that I spent £55 on some buds, when the sony's that came with my PSP sound better.

I find them too bright, on the point of being harsh if I'm honest, probably wouldn't be too bad if there was more depth to the bass, but there isn't.

I have put the smallest fitting ear pieces on and rammed them as far up my ear canal as possible, but still they have no real kick no matter what I run them on or EQ settings.

Very disappointed!
I'd say you are the only person saying that, mine certainly aren't lacking in bass, and I don't find the highs too harsh either.
Perhaps harsh was being too harsh if you excuse the pun.

There is no doubt the top end is bright and clear, I just don't think this is complemented with the same amount of clarity in the bass.

Don't get me wrong, I am no bass head, i.e I only have a 6.5" sub in my car. I'm just quite particular about it I spose.
play around with the tips a bit, as you will get literally no bass without a good seal, which i suspect is your problem. Also i believe they are designed to seal the outer part of your ear, and not be rammed in as far as possible. Personally I find the foam tips the easiest to get a seal quickly with.

Also give them a while to burn in, I found that my e3c's took about 50 hours of burn in for the sound to settle down, before that they felt a bit bright to me.
Ah ha, just the sort of thread im looking to read!

Looking to get a pair of e2cs when i get my mp3 back off RMA. Are they really worth the £60 premium?
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Yeah, I use the foam tips. Sure they look disgusting after a few weeks, but they seal much better than the plastic tips.
Not a seal issue I assure you, and I actually find the smallest black set of tips slightly better than the small foam ones.

I'm hoping BUSH is right and they will burn in a bit, I know my car speakers were rubbish to begin with, didn't know the same could apply to headphones, but I hope it does.

As for what is driving them them.....well it does't really matter as I'm not happy with anything, atm I'm on my laptop and there not that great, granted it isnt going to provide the best audio fidelity but it should provide enough current to drive the bottom end properly.

Looking around the net a bit more I now see I'm not the only one. This review pretty much sums up my feelings:
Mines are fantastic. Never had any probs and they sound great. Prefer small black tips too.
Bigsy said:
Not a seal issue I assure you, and I actually find the smallest black set of tips slightly better than the small foam ones.

I'm hoping BUSH is right and they will burn in a bit, I know my car speakers were rubbish to begin with, didn't know the same could apply to headphones, but I hope it does.

As for what is driving them them.....well it does't really matter as I'm not happy with anything, atm I'm on my laptop and there not that great, granted it isnt going to provide the best audio fidelity but it should provide enough current to drive the bottom end properly.

Looking around the net a bit more I now see I'm not the only one. This review pretty much sums up my feelings:
If you're on a laptop I would expect rather **** results at any end of the spectrum, really. I have Shure e2c's and think I were worth the money, I'm personaly using the foam tips :) Got a new pack before heading off to uni as the ones that came with the headphones got rather overused over the 6 months while I was working :p
Cant say im disappointed with my e2cs, in fact they make my ipod sound that little bit more bassier. But all in all i think they are the bets earphones i have used in a long time.
Haven't had any problems with mine either. Great sound for £50, noise cancelling is nice for the train/plane. I can only imagine what the higher end stuff sounds like :)
E2Cs are overbassed to say the least. Its probably that your laptop isn't driving them with enough power. Pre-amp or E4Cs tbh. Sharp MD-33s are also good, but if you want an excellent pair try Etymotic's Er-6i's.
I'm coming round to these a bit more now after hollowing out the ends with my dremmel, much better clarity all round now.

Still think there overrated mind :)
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