Shure e4c to se530. Worth it?

5 May 2008
I'm looking to make the upgrade but since second hand earphones are almost worthless I don't know if the £200 price tag (lowest internet price I could find) is justifyable.
Any opinions?
Its difficult to find someone who has tried both and can compare the sound quality.
Also I have pretty much decided against the UE Triple Fis as an alternative - too many reviews favour the se530s and I really like the Shure fit, especially the triple flange insert which I find second to none.
I used to have the E4c's, went to the E500's (basically the same as the SE530) to the's.

The E500's are better than the E4c's, but the clarity is lacking, hence me going for the triple's, which have the quality of the E500's, with the much needed clarity.

Have a look at the thread below for a more detailed discussion.

A lot of people love the Shure's, but I've found more like the triple's.
Its an extremely difficult call...opinions seem so split.

Bass is apparently better in the Shures which is important to me.

I think its going to take a bit more research before forking out the cash.
Personally, I moved from the E4c to the SE310 and found it much better overall. It's a much more enjoyable sound without being too coloured, and there is a subtle but still noticeable improvement in the bass department. E4c was a bit too anaemic, but SE310, for me, is just right.
I just bought the Sleek SA6 and am extremely impressed with them. The option for changing the sound response with different bass and treble ports is really nice. They also have a nice fit.
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