Shure se215 earphones...

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
*DISCLAIMER* Let's not discuss the legality, right and wrong of this... It's a discussion about the earphones or similar.

Afternoon all, I just bought some Shure se215 earphones, £75. I bought them for my very long 3,000 mile trip around Europe. I'm going on my own so I wanted something to plug into my ears. My sat nav outputs music via bluetooth to my Scala headset, but the quality is dire at best. It's just background noise for the commutes.

So, the above earphones have a negative profile in the ear and also foam tips, so they act just like normal foam ear plugs. And even have the same noise cancelling rating (37dB)! So I'm hoping that I won't even have to turn the volume up much so I can still hear the important stuff (sirens, beeps etc) just like you can with plugs.

Has anyone used these before in a motorcycle helmet? Or any experience with earphones like them?

Also... How on earth am I going to make a playlist to last around 50 hours of riding! Probably more!
Are you using the stock earphones/speakers that came with the scala?

Yea, it's not the speakers though, it's the quality over AD2P (Bluetooth), it's just an awful recoded bit rate. Great between headsets and the voice instructions/phone call is great. But audio over AD2P is pointless.
I have these and find them a pain in the bum for helmets as you can't take them off your ears before removing the helmet and they often get caught!

I use E10's with triple flange tips instead.

It's late... So I might be misreading. Why would you take them off before removing your helmet??

Once on, did you have an issue with them?

My HELMET (AGV Ti-Tech) has lining that touches all of my ear. With the Scala speakers in. They touch as well. No pressure. But there is no room for protuding earphones. I've tried several. And the se215's are the closest I can find to being a negative profile AND offer the same 37dB noise cancellation as normal foam plugs.

Sweet mother of god they are good!

They fit perfectly, block out the same, if not more noise than standard earplugs. The music is so brilliantly smooth and the bass is epic.

Wind noise is only slight at over 65mph. But even at 100mph+ the music is still clear over the wind.

Just wow... I can't wait to get some decent playlists for the Alps now :D
They're great earphones indeed. My main issue with helmets is that when I remove the helmet my earphones often get caught which is rather painful on my ears.

Mine get caught, it's not painful but I have to remove them entirely as they just get pulled out.
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