Goksly said:As long as you dont use the latest bios (locks the bus to 250 apparently) they are pretty good for overclocking.
My opty 144 (9x200) is running sweetly at 9x300 - that cuppled with a X1800XT makes it a very good gaming machine and is surprisingly quietjust make sure you replace those SATA cables.
Goksly said:I would say the SN26P is a jip - £100+ more for ultra->sli chipset? Get real shuttle.
My full setup is in my sig. I hadnt changed any of the fans; i just run it on smart fan. With the CPU at 2.7ghz under load and 1.488v the fan has never spun up under load (Smart fan appears to have about 3 settings.... very slow, slow and loud). I can just about hear it jump up to slow when benchmarking, but er yeah....generally very happy.
The new P2 shuttle case looks nice... think its labelled the SN27P2 (not 100%). Loses the memory card reader though.