Shuttle Core 2 Duo options?

6 Jul 2003
Am I right in saying theres only 1 Conroe supported Shuttle at the moment? Thats all good and well, but I don't need or want 2 x PCIe 16 slots, and don't want to pay the premium for them a la sn26p.

At the moment I've got an sn45g, which has been totally awesome, a 2500+ athlon, and an x800xt pe, but it's starting to show its age. It appears like Conroe will be leading the way for a while, and with the excellent price/performance ratio and its potential for overclocking, it seems like the only way to go. But I love everything about Shuttle and there no way I'll go back to a tower.

Would you recommend I stick it out with what I've got, get the Conroe Shuttle that should be in OcUK very very soon, or go with a sn25p AMD solution? My money is limited so looking for best price/performance. Help is greatly appreciated :)
The more I see it, the more I'm liking the sugo. So what matx board is worth waiting for? Standard requirements: good features, decent onboard sound, good overclocker, not too expensive? Any due out soon?

To be honest actually I'm surprised at how quiet this part of the forum is. Having owned a few full size systems, and now having a shuttle, theres no way I could ever go back - the style, the performance, the extra floor/desk space.
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